Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

Центр інноваційних технологій та компютерного тестування

Тест ::: 011_PhD_En_2023

Дата генерації: 27.02.2023

    Тема :: Тема1

  1. The opportunity for participants of the educational process to study, teach, do internships, or conduct scientific activities in another institution of higher education (scientific institution) on the territory of their country or abroad is called:
  2. The object of research is:
  3. A reasoned assumption about possible ways to solve a specific research problem is called:
  4. Academic mobility, the right which is implemented by participants of the educational process in domestic institutions of higher education (scientific institutions) within their country, is called:
  5. Academic mobility, the right which is implemented by domestic participants of the educational process in institutions of higher education (scientific institutions) outside their country, as well as by foreign participants in the educational process in domestic institutions of higher education (scientific institutions), is called:
  6. A set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which participants should follow in the educational process during learning, teaching, and carrying out scientific (creative) activities to ensure trust in the results of training and/or scientific (creative) achievements is
  7. Publicizing (partially or entirely) scientific (creative) results obtained by other persons as the results of own research (creativity), and/or reproduction of published texts (publicized works of art) of other authors without indicating authorship is
  8. The type of survey, which involves the collection of primary verbal information during the direct, purposeful communication of the researcher with the respondent, in the process of which he/she asks the questions provided for by the research, organizes and directs the conversation with each person, records the answers received according to the instructions, is called:
  9. Choose the correct definition of the proposed concept: "Questioning" is
  10. The method of scientific knowledge, aimed at elucidating cause-and-effect relationships between pedagogical phenomena and generalization of empirical data based on logical assumptions from specific to general, is called:
  11. The method that allows you to research the peculiarities of interpersonal relations in small social groups is called:
  12. The main type of operational publication about new research on a specific topic, the purpose of which is to inform about the conducted scientific work; contributes to the dissemination of the scientific and practical results obtained by the researcher, the identification of new urgent problems that need to be solved, is called:
  13. A concise statement of the main opinions, the publication of which involves prior familiarization of the participants of conferences, seminars, symposia, and other scientific forums with the results of the conducted research; their content is more fully communicated by the author-speaker in oral form, called:
  14. The autonomy and independence of the participants of the educational process during the implementation of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical, scientific and/or innovative activities, which are carried out on the principles of freedom of speech and creativity, the dissemination of knowledge and information, the conduct of scientific research and the use of their results, is called:
  15. A dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, worldview and civic qualities, and moral and ethical values, which determines a person's ability to carry out professional and further educational and scientific activities successfully and is the result of training at a certain level of higher education, is called:
  16. Specify the component of scientific research that characterizes some sufficiently important but still unsolved science or practice issue:
  17. Measuring instruments, devices, scientific equipment, questionnaires, tests, etc., necessary for carrying out scientific research form:
  18. Specify the component of scientific research characterized as the expected final scientific results that the researcher seeks to achieve as a result of its conduct:
  19. Specify the component of scientific research, which is characterized as the content of all successive stages of organization and conduct of research, which are aimed at achieving the goal:
  20. Indicate the method of pedagogical research at the place of omission: "... is the source and method of learning about the pedagogical phenomenon through direct communication with the individuals whom the researcher studies in natural conditions."
  21. Specify an analytical technique, a method of research, in the process of which the subject under study is divided into constituent elements, each of which is then examined separately as part of a divided whole.
  22. Specify the research method, which consists of imaginary connection and unification of separated parts, properties, and relations into a single whole.
  23. A research method in which individual provisions are logically deduced from general provisions:
  24. The method of scientific knowledge, aimed at elucidating cause-and-effect relationships between pedagogical phenomena and generalization of empirical data based on logical assumptions from specific to general, is called:
  25. Specify the method of scientific knowledge in which similarity is established in some aspects, qualities, and relationships between non-identical objects
  26. What research method consists of comparing objects to identify similarities and differences between them?
  27. Specify the theoretical research method:
  28. Aptitudes are
  29. Define the concept of "skills"
  30. Competence is
  31. Pedagogy is
  32. The research on education and upbringing systems in other countries compares them with domestic experience
  33. An orderly method of joint activity of the teacher and students of higher education, aimed at solving educational tasks, is:
  34. Humanization of the educational process is:
  35. The main types of educational classes in institutions of higher education are:
  36. How many hours are the volume of one ECTS credit ( European Credit Transfer System )?
  37. An educational degree obtained at the first level of higher education, the volume of which is 180-240 ECTS credits, is called:
  38. An educational degree obtained at the second level of higher education, the volume of which is 90-120 ECTS credits, is called:
  39. One full year of study at a higher education institution corresponds to the following:
  40. The predominant, relatively stable mental state (mood) of the collective, which reflects the peculiarities of its life activity, is...
  41. Who directly manages the activities of the institution of higher education?
  42. What does the concept of "delegation of authority" mean?
  43. What are management principles?
  44. The principles of educational management are:
  45. The provision that the manager's activity should be based on respect for each individual with whom he enters into business communication: a teacher, a student of education, or a random visitor to the institution; the ability to empathize, maintaining a comfortable climate in the team reflects the principle:
  46. Creating conditions for the formation of different opinions, views, and their coordination involves the principle of:
  47. The compliance of the activity of the manager of the educational institution with the legislation in matters of education, labor, protection of childhood, human rights, etc., implies the principle:
  48. Consumers of educational services are
  49. Who is responsible for the life and health of students during the educational process?
  50. Does the pedagogical worker bear administrative and criminal responsibility for the life and health of the student?