Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

Центр інноваційних технологій та компютерного тестування

Тест ::: ФІФ_035(ПІД)_PhD_2023

Дата генерації: 02.03.2023

    Тема :: 1. Lexicology

  1. The word "window" belongs to ... .
  2. The word "absent-mindedness" is a ... .
  3. The word beige is a(n) ... .
  4. Metaphor "key to the mystery" is based on ... .
  5. The result of semantic change in the word "smart": "causing pain" -> "attractive" is ... .
  6. Pick out the paronyms from the pairs below:
  7. The semantic change of the word combination "Wall Street" in the sentence "Wall Street is in a panic" involves the association ... .
  8. Pick out the historisms from the groups below:
  9. Pick out the barbarisms from the groups below:
  10. Pick out Canadian English words from the groups below:
  11. Point out a phraseological unit associated with some historical events:
  12. Morphemes that can function both as affixes and as free morphemes are called ... .
  13. Morphemes that make up words of conditional segmentability and do not rise to the status of full morphemes for semantic reason are called ... .
  14. A pair of (or several) words borrowed from the same source at different times and, therefore, having different forms and meaning are called ... .
  15. The basic unit of a given language resulting from the association of a given meaning with a given group of sounds susceptible of a given grammatical employment is denoted by the term ... .
  16. A lexicological grouping in which the words are grouped according to the root-morpheme is called a ... .
  17. Disfavourable, plain-spoken or socially taboo expressions that are used instead of more socially acceptable ones are called ... .
  18. Words coined to suit one particular occasion are called ... .
  19. Expressive, mostly ironical words which sound somewhat vulgar, cynical and harsh, aiming to show the object of speech in the light of an off-hand contemptuous ridicule are called ... .
  20. Word-groups with a completely changed meaning, demotivated, their meaning cannot be deduced from the meanings of the constituent parts, are called ... .
  21. The instantly recognizable accent often described as “typically British” is called ... .
  22. The words "human − humane" refer to ... .
  23. The word "giggle" is a(n) ... .
  24. The prefix demi- in the word "demiofficial" implies ... .
  25. The suffix – ward(s) found in the word "downwards" is a(n) ... .

    Тема :: 2. Methodology

  27. The process of showing that the general research area is important, central, novel, problematic, or relevant is called ... .
  28. Referencing format most frequently used in English speaking countries is ... .
  29. A survey-type research paper ... .
  30. Research which is directed towards finding information that has a broad base of applications is called ... .
  31. The words or phrases of other authors used in academic writing to illustrate a point are called ... .
  32. What provides empirical data for the enquiry?
  33. You look for and correct mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation while ... .
  34. The act of presenting the words of another writer as if they were our own is called ... .
  35. Topicality suggests that ... .
  36. The concrete unit or phenomenon which is the target of the investigation is called ... .
  37. Specific research methods distinguishing special sciences are subdivided into:
  38. A set or system of methods and principles used in a particular discipline is a/an ... .
  39. Method refers to ... .
  40. This fallacy establishes a cause and effect relationship between two actions when, in fact, one action simply precedes the other:
  41. This method involves generalization of the results of observation, inference from the observed to the unobserved:
  42. This fallacy consists of arguing from a premise in which a term is used in one sense to a conclusion in which the term is used in another sense:
  43. Science is divided into three major branches:
  44. The term “scientific paradigm” suggests that ... .
  45. Scientific research is defined as ... .
  46. Scientific research as an enquiry can be called systematic if ... .
  47. Such issues as outlining the purpose of the paper, tasks to be solved, the object and the subject of research, materials, methods, topicality, novelty, theoretical and practical (applied) value are included in the ... .
  48. The theory of knowledge and the assumptions and beliefs that we have about the nature of knowledge are called ... .
  49. Quotations, which comprise the exact words of the author, are called ... .
  50. Methods common to all scientific enquiries include:
  51. The extent to which a study establishes a trustworthy cause-and-effect relationship between a treatment and an outcome is called a(n) ... .

    Тема :: 3. Current Trends in Modern Linguistics

  53. Discourse is ... .
  54. In social semiotics, a sign is ... .
  55. The example of the scientific revolution in linguistics is ... .
  56. Ekphrasis ... .
  57. Social semiotics is ... .
  58. Semiosis explains ... .
  59. Which is NOT a paradigm in linguistics?
  60. Connotative meaning is connected with ... .
  61. Connotation is ... .
  62. Denotative meaning is connected with ... .
  63. Cognitive semiotics studies ... .
  64. The theory of intermediality in linguistics is concerned with ... .
  65. The discourse theory is NOT concerned with ... .
  66. Cognitive pragmatics studies ... .
  67. Meaning-making in the linguistic theory is ... .
  68. Cognitive-communicative approach in linguistics is aimed at studying ... .
  69. Scientific revolution is ... .
  70. The notion of “scientific revolution” was first introduced by ... .
  71. Functionalism in linguistics is concerned with ... .
  72. Anthropocentrism in linguistics focuses on ... .
  73. The philosophical basis of the cognitive-communicative approach in linguistics is the idea that ... .
  74. One of the founders of cognitive pragmatics is ... .
  75. The cognitive aspect of discourse presupposes ... .
  76. Which is NOT a characteristic of a paradigm in linguistics?
  77. Meaning in discourse is ... .

    Тема :: 4. Academic Writing and Rhetoric

  79. But there is a negative side to new technology. ... the advantages we also need to consider a number of disadvantages.
  80. This paper begins with a/an ... of the literature on patient communication.
  81. cf Smith (2022) for a different approach to this topic. "cf" stands for ...
  82. The professor decided to take moral courage as the ... for his inaugural lecture.
  83. Economists have recently questioned the rationale ... government spending.
  84. Which word does not fit the sentence?
    "The evidence ... a different conclusion".
  85. What … the criteria used by PhD students to set their research agenda?
  86. You will be given a … when you choose your dissertation topic.
  87. ... the exception … one study in 1990, no major research had been carried out till now.
  88. Social research techniques were applied to … examine the effects of the policy on the poor.
  89. Identify the method when the researcher keeps in-depth descriptive records as an outside observer.
  90. This solution implies … among these processes.
  91. Which of the terms is different from the rest?
  92. The inclusion of dialects is particularly … here, as part of the project involved Italian participants.
  93. Name the type of judgment that is based on emotions or personal prejudices.
  94. “I am an assistant professor at the department of Engineering, at the Islamic University … Bangladesh, where I am doing research … reducing fuel emissions.”
  95. “I have attached a paper and some recent results, which I hope you will find … interesting … useful.”
  96. We have shown that current English is considerably more simple and … than the English of 50 years ago.
  97. The lesson starts with a discussion about how to … data and different methods to use. 
  98. Match the term to the definition: “to make a proposal and support it”.
  99. Match the term to the definition: “the exact words of another author which you use in your essay”.
  100. Many experts contend, …, that this evidence is not conclusive.
  101. This work is a direct … of the work begun by McNeill (2012). 
  102. To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit by acknowledging your source … you use another person’s idea, opinion, or theory. 
  103. A/an… is an article that critically examines a new book or any other piece of writing.

    Тема :: 5. Theoretical Phonetics

  105. Prosodic units are ... .
  106. By changing the prosodic structure of an utterance one changes ... .
  107. The intonation group is ... .
  108. Segmental units are ... .
  109. RP is based on ... .
  110. Each phonetic style is characterized by ... .
  111. Which of the following is not related to phonology?
  112. The study of speech as a physical process is ... .
  113. What is voice?
  114. A phonological rule whereby a sound is made similar to a neighbouring sound is referred to as ... .
  115. /ri:d ðɪs/ becomes /ri:d dɪs/ is an example of ... .
  116. Elision of /t/ and /d/ can occur when ... .
  117. The number of vibrations per second is called ... .
  118. Segmental sounds and prosodic features are ... .
  119. The linguistic aspect of speech sounds is also called ... .
  120. Phonology deals with ... .
  121. ... is a representation of a phoneme in a particular position context.
  122. In Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable. This tendency was called ... .
  123. ... deals with the larger units of connected speech: syllables, words, phrases and texts.
  124. The allophones which do not undergo any distinguishable changes in the chain of speech are called ... .
  125. The origin of the word is a Greek “phona” –
  126. ... sciences are connected with phonetics.
  127. Last segment of a complete intonation group is ... .
  128. The most important component of the intonation group is ... .

    Тема :: 6. Stylistics

  130. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
  131. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    I hear your voice - it’s an angel’s sigh.
  132. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    The doctor wrapped himself in a mist of words.
  133. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Mr. Facing-Both-Ways does not get very far in this world.
  134. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    My dearest daughter, at your feet I fall.
  135. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    She was lovely: all of her—delightful.
  136. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    The seeds ye sow—another reaps, The robes ye weave—another wears, The arms ye forge—another bears.
  137. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    You can take the patriot out of the country but you cannot take the country out of the patriot.
  138. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    They looked at hundred of houses, they climbed thousands of stairs, they inspected innumerable kitchens.
  139. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Youth is lovely, age is lonely; Youth is fiery, age is frost.
  140. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Soams turned away; he had an utter disinclination for talk, one standing before an open grave ... .
  141. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect.
  142. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Good intentions but -; You just come home or I'll ... .
  143. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    A: Hullo! Who are you?
    B: The staff.
  144. Define the type of the repetition in the sentences:
    It is natural to be scared in a case like that. You are sure to be petrified in a case like that.
  145. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Science! True daughter of Old Time thou art.
  146. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Across the country we went like the wind followed by a couple of black cars full of moustaches.
  147. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    He was a shy man, unable to look me in the eye.
  148. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Why do you come so soon? You used to come at ten o’clock. And now you come at noon.
  149. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    John said to Pete at dinner: "Carry on". But Pete never ate carrion.
  150. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Dr Johnson drank his tea in oceans.
  151. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    She was not unhappy with him.
  152. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    The hospital was crowded with the surgically interesting products of fighting in Africa.
  153. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    A young lady, weeping softly in her mother’s lap:
    A: My husband just can’t bear the children.
    B: He needn’t bear children, my dear. You shouldn’t expect much of your husband.
  154. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    He lost his hat and his temper.
  155. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    By the time he had got all the bottles and dishes and knives and forks and glasses and plates and spoons and things piled up on big trays, he was getting very hot, and red in the face, and annoyed.
  156. Define the type of the repetition in the sentences:
    I love your hills,
    I love your walls,
    I love your flocks and bleating.
  157. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    It will cost you a pretty penny.
  158. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    She went on to say that she wanted all her children to absorb the meaning of the words they sang, not just mouth them, like silly-billy parrots.
  159. Define what stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
    Mrs. Dave Dyer, a sallow woman with a thin prettiness, devoted to experiments in religious cults, illnesses, and scandalbearing, shook her finger at Carol.

    Тема :: 7. History of language

  161. The English language is ... in origin.
  162. The early Old English period began with ... .
  163. The Old English period is marked by ... .
  164. Old English was mainly a/an ... .
  165. Another name for Old English is ... .
  166. Which historical event made available the Latin alphabet for Old English writing
  167. The Old English words mōdor (mother), sunu (son or descendant), brōðor (brother), sweostor (sister) belong to the etymological layer of ... .
  168. In the Old English vocabulary Celtic loans are mostly found among ... .
  169. The stress in the Old English words was always ...
  170. The Grimm’s Law expresses regular correspondences between ... .
  171. The Old English inflectional system is similar to ... .
  172. The grammatical categories of the Old English noun are ... .
  173. The part of speech that had a dual number in Old English is ... .
  174. The Old English syntax is characterized by the ... .
  175. The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought the ... language to Britain.
  176. The written standard in the Middle English period was formed on the basis of ... .
  177. In the Middle English vocabulary Scandinavian borrowings are mostly found among words connected with ... .
  178. In Middle English adjectives incredible, individual, legal, nervous, spacious, lucrative, secular, solar were borrowed from ...
  179. The morphological class of Middle English verbs that became more numerous is the group of ... .
  180. The Common case that appeared in Middle English is the result of merging of Old English cases: ... .
  181. The purpose of prescriptive grammars that appeared in the 18th century was ... .
  182. The famous writer who contributed to the formation of English in the New English period was ... .
  183. The Great Vowel Shift was ... .
  184. Among New English irregular verbs there are ... .
  185. The part of speech that lost the greatest number of grammatical categories in New English is ... .

    Тема :: 8. Theoretical Grammar

  187. The sentence "We are seeing our friends tonight" contradicts the rules of ... grammar.
  188. Positional variants of the morpheme -e(s) [z], [s], [iz] (rooms, books, boxes) are in ... distribution.
  189. Prefixes in-, im-, il-, ir-, having a negative force (invariable, impartial, illiterate, irregular) are ... .
  190. Syntagmatic relations of interdependence are established as the result of ... .
  191. "He called his sister a heroine" and "He called his sister a taxi" exemplify ... .
  192. In the opposition "phenomenon – phenomena" ... .
  193. Lexico-morphological way of indicating gender distinctions entails ... .
  194. In the phrases "metallic voice", "silver cloud", "iron will" ... .
  195. Verbs which can be used transitively or intransitively as in "He fired a gun" and "The gun fired" are termed ... .
  196. The sentence ... illustrates neutralization of oppositions between the forms of the Present Perfect and Present Indefinite.
  197. The sentence is the basic communicative unit distinguished from all other units by its ... .
  198. S → NP + VP is an example of ... .
  199. According to L. Bloomfield’s classification, the prepositional phrases "in the house", "beside John", "by running away" are ... .
  200. The form of subordination in "this problem", "these questions" is defined as ... .
  201. "You are joking, eh? So you knew about it before?" exemplify ... questions.
  202. ... illustrates a special use of the continuous aspect marked by the absence of the temporary element of the usual continuous meaning.
  203. Subordinate clauses which always follow a link verb are called ... .
  204. Secondary predication is represented by ... .
  205. Inverted (reverse) actual division is exemplified by ... .
  206. "Work" in "Good results do not come from careless work" illustrates the case role of ... .
  207. ... is an example of grammatical cohesion.
  208. The sequence "You make me tired. Completely finished and sick" exemplifies ... .
  209. The supersyntactical unit is ... .
  210. "I consider that the story is improbable" → "I consider the story improbable" illustrates the syntactic process of ... .
  211. "Say it clearly" → "Say it clearly and simply" exemplifies the syntactic process of ... .

    Тема :: 9. General Linguistics

  213. Linguistics can be divided into:
  214. Linguistics is a linguistic discipline that investigates ... .
  215. Linguists in Ancient India distinguished between four categories of words:
  216. Linguists in Ancient India were the first who differentiated between:
  217. Find the correct statement:
  218. Alexandrian grammarians differentiated between eight parts of speech:
  219. Find the correct statement:
  220. Linguists of Ancient Rome identified a new part of speech:
  221. Glosses were divided into:
  222. In the 18th century a new trend appeared in linguistics which was called ... .
  223. Find the incorrect statement:
  224. Dante Alighieri in his work “About the vernacular eloquence” (“De vulgari eloquentia”) differentiated between four large groups of languages:
  225. Giambattista Vico in his book “New Science” distinguished three stages in a language's history:
  226. Find the incorrect statement:
  227. Franz Bopp wrote the work ... .
  228. The representatives of Naturalism in linguistics are:
  229. The main work of August Schleicher is ... .
  230. Max Müller singled out two phases in the process of language evolution. They are:
  231. Etymology studies ... .
  232. The Founder of Psychologism in Linguistics is ... .
  233. Herman Steintal is considered to be a follower of linguistic theory of ... .
  234. “The School of aesthetic idealism” was founded by ... .
  235. The representatives of “The Gilliéron School of Linguistic Geography” introduced the notion of isoglosses, which can be defined as ... .
  236. The representatives of “The Moscow School of Linguistics” were ... .
  237. Find the incorrect statement:
  238. The main postulate of “The Kazan Linguistic School” was ... .
  239. Who considered language to be a system, distinguished between such subsystems in language as phonetic, morphological and syntactical; claimed that there are two states of language: statics and dynamics; divided phonetics into anthropo-phonetics and psycho-phonetics?
  240. The representatives of The Sociological Trend in Linguistics were:
  241. Wilhelm von Humboldt claimed that ... .
  242. Find the correct statement:
  243. Linguistics is divided into:
  244. Find the correct statement:
  245. Pāṇini is known for his famous description of grammar:
  246. Linguistics in Ancient Creek is divided into two main periods:
  247. Find the correct statement:
  248. The Stoics divided cases into:
  249. Aristotle claimed that each verbal expression has such constituent parts:
  250. The most important things that Romans did is:
  251. The main types of dictionaries which were created in the Ancient Rus:
  252. Scholasticism had two directions:
  253. In the Medieval Period the synonym to the grammar in general was ... .
  254. Dante Alighieri in his work “About the vernacular eloquence” (“De vulgari eloquentia”) differentiated between (how many ?) small languages or dialects:
  255. The main theories about the origins of language in the 17th and 18th centuries were ... .
  256. “The Grammar” by Meletii Smotrytskyi was published in 1619. In this Book the author divided language material into:
  257. Find the incorrect statement:
  258. The founders of Naturalism in linguistics claimed that:
  259. Who studied dead (Slavonic), extinct (Polabian language), and living (Lithuanian) languages; created comparative grammar of Slavic languages; distinguished between two principles of classification of languages: genealogical and typological?
  260. Max Müller laid a special importance on learning of ... .
  261. Linguopaleontology researches ... .
  262. Psychologism in Linguistics is characterized by ... .
  263. Dissidents of Indo-Europeanism (Hugo Schuchgardt, Karl Fossler) criticized the work of ... .
  264. What statement is incorrect?
  265. "The Gilliéron School of Linguistic Geography” was based on the principle of ... .
  266. The representatives of which school proved that languages and dialects are not separate systems?
  267. The representative of “The Moscow School of Linguistics” Philipp Fortunatov singled out ...
  268. Jan Baudouin de Courtenay introduced into linguistics the notion of ... .
  269. Jan Baudouin de Courtenay, Nikolay Krushevsky, and Vasilij Bogoroditsky were representatives of:
  270. The Sociological Trend in Linguistics can be defined as ... .
  271. Find the incorrect statement:
  272. According to Wilhelm von Humboldt’s morphological classification of languages, there are the following types of languages:

    Тема :: 10. Linguistics

  274. A writing system in which signs (symbols) that express objects and concepts are used instead of letters that correspond to sounds is
  275. Cursive handwriting, in which the letters of the coherent text are not located apart, but connected, is
  276. The concept "macrofamily of languages" ​​implies the existence between languages
  277. The type of relations that shows the connection and interdependence between lingual units (units of any complexity) that simultaneously exist in linear relations (text, speech) is
  278. The development of the concepts "system" and "structure" has been in the spotlight of linguistic knowledge
  279. The minimal unit of the speech chain, which is the result of a person's complex articulatory activity and is characterized by certain acoustic and perceptual properties, is
  280. Stressed vowels, which at the beginning or at the end have an overtone of another vowel, close to the stressed one, are
  281. Pronunciation of a consonant, which is accompanied by lip noise, is
  282. Functions of intonation are:
  283. The science that studies proper names of all types, the laws of their development and functioning, is
  284. The generalized abstract linguistic meaning inherent in words, which has a regular expression in the language, is
  285. The sameness of words pronunciation and spelling when distinguishing their meanings is
  286. Obsolete words that denote the names of those objects, phenomena and concepts that have disappeared from modern life are
  287. Reproducible word-combinations that consist of two meaningful words, one of which has a free meaning and the other - a connected meaning, are
  288. Word relations in different groups that are combined with a common feature are
  289. The transformation of a word-combination into a state phraseological unit is
  290. The branch of grammar that studies the state of the grammatical structure of the language in a certain period is
  291. The generalized, abstract meaning of words that has a regular expression in the language is
  292. Depending on the morpheme structure, all languages ​​are divided into
  293. The historical process during which two words, stems or word-forms merge into one word or word-form is
  294. The transition of word-forms to the class of adverbs is
  295. The branch of grammar that studies word-combinations, sentences, text is
  296. Type of subordinative relation in which the dependent word receives the same categories as the main word is
  297. The most important features of a sentence as a syntactic unit are the following:
  298. A sentence that has only the positions of the principal members - subject and predicate - is
  299. Sentences, the predicative core of which is represented by two positions - subject and predicate - are
  300. The predicative structure of the sentence includes the following elements
  301. Pragmatic type of expressions which regulate the relations between communicators are
  302. Pragmatic type of wish expressions is
  303. The genealogical classification of languages ​​is based on
  304. Germanic languages include:
  305. Romance languages include:
  306. A system is a coherent unity of interrelated language units. The set of connections and relations between the units of the language system constitutes its ...
  307. According to its internal structure, the language system belongs to heterogeneous systems, which consist of a certain number of ...
  308. Each language level consists of homogeneous units, which in general comprise ... .
  309. The following types of relationships exist between units and levels of the language system: