Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

Центр інноваційних технологій та компютерного тестування

Тест ::: ФПОСР_011_En_2023

Дата генерації: 04.07.2023

    Тема :: Тема 1

  1. The system of knowledge about the laws of development of nature, thinking and society is called
  2. A certain side of reality and a set of real phenomena and processes, the study of which is aimed at a specific science is called
  3. A certain side of the object, the study of which is aimed at specific research in a specific field of scientific knowledge is called
  4. Specify synonyms for the term "academic discipline"
  5. Select sections of general pedagogy
  6. The pedagogical process is this
  7. The structure of the pedagogical process
  8. The pedagogical process is a system because
  9. The regular connections of the pedagogical process are
  10. That plays a decisive role in the organization of the pedagogical process
  11. Pedagogical regularity is...
  12. The method is this
  13. The object of pedagogical research is
  14. This is a method of pedagogical observation
  15. Methods of pedagogical research are
  16. From the given list, select the group in which the methods of scientific and pedagogical research are indicated (according to A.I. Kuzminskyi )
  17. The method of pedagogical research, which is an active method of checking new ideas, proposals of the researcher, confirming or denying their effectiveness in the pedagogical process, is called
  18. Pedagogical research methods are
  19. In pedagogy, the following levels of pedagogical research are distinguished
  20. The rating method is used for
  21. The method of obtaining written information using a system of questions composed according to certain rules, each of which is logically related to the purpose of the study, is
  22. The method of planned purposeful recording of mental features manifested in the activity and behavior of schoolchildren based on direct perception in the educational process with mandatory systematization of the received data and the formation of conclusions is
  23. Learning effectively affects the process of the student's personality development when
  24. Knowledge is
  25. Education is
  26. Name the function of learning, the implementation of which ensures the assimilation of scientific knowledge, the formation of special and general abilities and skills
  27. This is a skill
  28. The motives for the educational activity of schoolchildren of youth age are characteristic
  29. Illustration is ... a teaching method
  30. Basically, the preliminary control of knowledge, skills, and abilities performs a ... function
  31. Emotional attitude towards society, towards people, towards oneself is called
  32. The exact observance by each participant of a joint activity of a certain order and requirements, without which this joint activity becomes impossible, is called
  33. The driving forces of education are
  34. The education process continues...
  35. The regularities of the educational process are these
  36. The components of education are:
  37. The most complete definition of the concept of "national education" is this
  38. On what ideas is the system of national education based
  39. Which of the Ukrainian teachers owns the main formula of the Ukrainian educated ideal — service to God and Ukraine
  40. The statement that the organization of comprehensive education for parents is one of the ways to realize the concepts of national education
  41. The statement that the Ukrainian national school uses a four-point system for evaluating students' knowledge
  42. Mass educational activities, the most common in modern schools, include:
  43. The basis of the division of collective creative works into social, labor, cognitive, artistic, sports, organizational ones is the criterion
  44. A complex property acquired by an individual in subject activity and communication, which characterizes his inclusion in social relations, is
  45. An ideal idea of the end result of education is called ... education
  46. Specify the most complete definition of education methods
  47. A person becomes a person only when
  48. Among the proposed definitions of the method of education, choose the most complete. The method of education is this
  49. Methods of moral education are objectively necessary methods of pedagogical influence on the development and formation of the personality of a schoolchild with the aim of
  50. A scientifically based system of socio-economic, psychological, production-technical and individual measures aimed at providing assistance to students in professional self-determination, in accordance with personal abilities, opportunities, vocation and taking into account the needs of society is called