Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

Центр інноваційних технологій та компютерного тестування

Тест ::: ФІТМ_014(Інф)_іноз_Маг_2021

Дата генерації: 04.07.2023

    Тема :: Інформатика

  1. HTML is
  2. CSS is
  3. What is cascading style sheets files extension?
  4. What are the main technologies using in front-end development?
  5. Which of the following was the fist web browser?
  6. Which of the following elements is the parent for the <title> tag:
  7. Which of the following tags defines the level heading:
  8. Which of the following are the Internet protocols only:
  9. Which of the following tags are using for creating lists?
  10. Which of the following tags define container elements?
  11. An algorithm is …
  12. A data structure is
  13. A linear list where only the last element is accessible is...
  14. An array is...
  15. An algorithm which calls itself with "smaller (or simpler)" input values is
  16. How should be ordered elements in the array, where the binary search algorithm applied?
  17. Which of the following represents the correct syntax of for loop in C++?
  18. Which of the following statements does not use C++ keywords?
  19. Which of the folowing statements represents the correct declaration of the constant in C++?
  20. What are the properties of the class in object oriented programming?
  21. An abstract class is …
  22. Which of the following is not the data type in C++?
  23. Which of the following represents the correct syntax of "if statement" in C++?
  24. Which of the following is the definition of constructor in object-oriented programming?
  25. Consider the queue (FIFO) {-4, 5, 1, -17, 12}. The operation pop() was called.
    What is the content of the queue now?
  26. Which of the following is NOT the access specifier in classes?
  27. What is class in object-oriented programming?
  28. Which of the following correctly calls the method shiff() on an object of the SportDog class called dalmatin? (C++ syntax)

    Тема :: Методика навчання інформатики та математики

  30. What are the principles of teaching (of computer science or of mathematics)? Mark the correct answer.
  31. The school subject named as computer science is
  32. What is an educational program in computer science (mathematics)?
  33. The components of the methodical system of teaching computer science ( or mathematics) are:
  34. Which of the following objects is included in the list of concepts when students are studying a spreadsheet?
  35. Which of the folowing concepts is the central in the course of computer science?
  36. What property is the main one for the demo-spreadsheet:
  37. What way is the most appropriate to introduce the concept of algorithm?
  38. What is the purpose of offering to students a task that could be divided into subtasks?
  39. A sudy hall in studing geometry is
  40. Consider the statement “The straight lines in the space are parallel if they do not have any common point”. Which of the following is true about this statement?
  41. What semantic lines of geometry as the school subject are distinguished at the present stage of development of school mathematics education?

    Тема :: Математика

  43. Evaluate f'(5), if f(x)=(8x-4)2+6x.
  44. Find the minimum value of the function y(x)=cos2⁡x+3 on the interval [0;2π].
  45. Two dice are thrown. Find the probability that one die lands on an even number and the other one lands on an odd number.
  46. The probability of hitting the target of the first shooter is 0.8, of the second one is 0.7, and of the third one is 0.6. They fired one shot at a time. What is the probability that at least one shooter hit?
  47. Solve the system {x-y=5;2x+y=1.
  48. Find real roots of the polynomial f(x)=x2-5x-14.
  49. The disjunction operation for statements A and B is false if and only if:
  50. If object A can be chosen in n ways and for each of these choices object B can be chosen in m ways, then the choice of pair (A, B) can be made in:
  51. The function y=y(x) is the solution of the differential equation F(x,y,y' )=0, if it
  52. Indicate the logical form of categorical judgment “Not all rivers flow into the sea”