Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

Центр інноваційних технологій та компютерного тестування

Тест ::: ФІТМ_122_іноз_Маг_2021

Дата генерації: 04.07.2023

    Тема :: Інформатика іноземцям

  1. HTML is
  2. CSS is
  3. What is cascading style sheets files extension?
  4. What are the main technologies using in front-end development?
  5. Which of the following was the fist web browser?
  6. Which of the following elements is the parent for the <title> tag:
  7. Which of the following represents tags nested correctly:
  8. Which of the following tags defines the level heading:
  9. Which of the following are the Internet protocols only:
  10. Which of the following tags are using for creating lists?
  11. Which of the following parameters does the <td> tag use?
  12. Which of the following tags define block elements?
  13. Which of the following tags define container elements?
  14. An algorithm is …
  15. Which of the following is NOT the properties of algorithm?
  16. An algorithm develope to solve...
  17. A data structure is
  18. A linear list where only the last element is accessible is...
  19. A data structure that inserts and removes elements according to the first-in first-out (FIFO) principle is
  20. Which of the following is the sorting algorithm?
  21. An array is...
  22. Numbers and characters are...
  23. An algorithm which calls itself with "smaller (or simpler)" input values is
  24. What is the rule of removing elements from a dequeue (double-ended queue)?
  25. How should be ordered elements in the array, where the binary search algorithm applied?
  26. How many pointers are there in the circular linked list?
  27. if (< >)
    { }
    else { }
    The description above is...
  28. A variable is
  29. Which of the following represents the correct syntax of for loop in C++?
  30. A void function...
  31. Which of the following statements does not use C++ keywords?
  32. What will be the value of the valiable k after after implementation of the statement k = ++k ; if the initial value of k was 6?
  33. What is the result of the implementation of the program code, represented below?
    int x = 2;
    switch ( x )
    { case 1 : cout << " One " ;
    case 0 : cout << " Zero " ;
    case 2 : cout << " Hello world ";
  34. Which of the following functions all the programs in C++ contain necessarily?
  35. Which of the folowing statements represents the correct declaration of the constant in C++?
  36. What are the properties of the class in object oriented programming?
  37. class Class1


    class Class2 : Class1

    This construction represents...
  38. An abstract class is …
  39. Consired the statement:
    int arr[10][12];
    This statement declares
  40. Which of the following is not the data type in C++?
  41. Which of the following represents the correct syntax of "if statement" in C++?
  42. Which of the following is the definition of constructor in object-oriented programming?
  43. Which of the following is the definition of destructor in object-oriented programming?
  44. Consider the queue (FIFO) {-4, 5, 1, -17, 12}. The operation pop() was called.
    What is the content of the queue now?
  45. Consider the stack (LIFO) {-4, 5, 1, -17, 12}. The operation push(2) was called.
    What is the content of the stack now?
  46. Which of the following is NOT the access specifier in classes?
  47. Which of the following are the correct class definitions? (C++ syntax)
  48. What is class in object-oriented programming?
  49. Which of the following correctly calls the method shiff() on an object of the SportDog class called dalmatin? (C++ syntax)
  50. The value that a method outputs is called...